Thursday, December 8, 2011

到韩国血拼lets go shopping korea!



韩国真的是购物天堂,从头到脚的保养品我都买了一小堆!(已经尽量控制自己了)首先看看头发的吧! 韩国年尾天气冷又干一不小心我就买了那么多美发产品,反正我每个都想试头发那么长所以护理头发的也很快用完。。

Etude house在韩国每个角落都有它的影子,店面也粉红到不行!我只买了一些手啊脚的面膜,尽量控制(催眠)自己没有用到的就。。不要买!!>.<家里屯的货也还没清掉!

THE FACE SHOP 也买了一些面膜。左上角的是Bebe lip mask,别忘了嘴巴也需要呵护定时给他做个面膜哦,建议先去掉嘴唇的角质才敷才会更吸收=)

HOLIKA HOLIKA 变美魔法的咒语,在韩国也数一数二深受大家喜爱,这里我要介绍的是他的magic pole睫毛膏,SA说这款睫毛膏在众多品牌的排行榜排名第一,韩国人人手一支的睫毛膏,紫色是第一代的而蓝色是它的升级版比较放水和具有浓密纤长效果。

THE SAEM 的O2black pearl bubble mask也是蛮抢手的一款,皮肤累了外暗淡无光的时候可以唤醒皮肤,嗯等我用了再跟大家分享=)

Banila.co据说是韩国版benefit,在韩国满街都是bbcream,要选对品质好的才安全!他们家很红的商品primer primer,有分matte/ classic /hydrating 。用了皮肤很滑,嫩嫩的男女皆爱,韩国的男生啊有化妆已经是很普遍的事。。对她/他们来说化妆是种礼貌~

韩国Lady & skin在免税店都挤满了旅游客,导游说我们去的时候算早,要不就会遇到很多游客都在抢购的场面,在你手中的东西也会被抢走那种。女人我最大节目也介绍过Lady& skin的东西。

O2 bubble oxygen mask cleanser

hydrocare waterdrop essense

dual sleeping serum

hydro gel eye mask

lady & skin明星商品:牛尔老师在女人节目里介绍过的hydrocare waterdrop essence ,这款含有水珠的面霜很保湿,各大韩国杂志也经常推荐。

HERA 是在韩国大受明星爱用的品牌,这支primer base大受好评所以我也特地去找了,也换了新包装呢差点认不出来。HERA 专柜可以在lotte duty free找到!它有多好用,google下几呼都是好好好用!我用了也觉得很棒,肌肤状况好的话无需上粉底可以直接用它就出门,spf15哦最重要不会油^^

RED EYE 是韩国有名气,品质较好价钱也很划算的accesories shop.

建议大家可以去 duty free 店或者机场买东西因为都比较便宜!




the making of hada labo tvc 2011

nu you mag,female mag & EH mag

A lazy girl is going to update her blog .this blogpost is about sharing her experience in a tv commercial shooting,and some behind scene videos/ pictures taken during the shoots.
well oh well..Im the lazy girl and its been so long...and later on there's more travel post that i havent been posting up here.stay tune!
Its my first time to experience tvc shooting,with HADA LABO.Being so lucky and grateful to be selected as one of the winner through their contest,to won away fabulous prize from them and chance to be the face of hada labo.Thanks to hada labo,and ure always my all time favourite skin care.

The whole experience was fun and enjoyable,and I have gotten to know myself better,on how to pose infront of camera & act & smile etc.It was so much of fun with the girls along the shooting process,we used to NG many times but at the end of the day we stil made it for the director to say well done,sao gong!it was like omg ..finally ..what a long and tiring day which literally took about 12 hours. And its like a dream come true,we couldnt believe that we actually made it and its gonna be airing on tv..kinda amazing!

there's 2 tv commercial of hada labo and u can try to spot me in both tvc ,its also on youtube as well & been airing for the entire month of july on Astro WLT,8tv,NTV7 and others 2 tv channel (forgotten which two)..
And is the behind scene video of the making of the commercial/process.enjoy!

3) (behind scene)

Afterall,its was an amazing and priceless experience,thanks to the organizer the director,dreamteam studio, make up artiste Mae liew & kristine,hairdo from secolo hairdressing and most important hada labo!  its no easy and requires many effort behind every scene of a pretty face there,but it was all worth it.

Lotsa love,xoxoo~